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Zenit B200

Cameo Light Installation at Event Location Alte Werft Bremen with ZENIT W600 Wash Light ZENIT B200 Wash Light F2 Fresnel Spotlight

From zero to success – Alte Werft event location in Bremen is counting on Cameo

Alte Werft is an extraordinary project of the coronavirus era: launched in 2021 as an initiative to ensure training quality, the trainees of JOKE Event AG were able to transform the abandoned shipyard warehouse...
Cameo Light Installation with Lichtschall for the Kongress für Familienunternehmen (WIFU)

Families front and centre – Lichtschall stages congress for family businesses with Cameo

In mid-March, the Witten Institute for Family Business (WIFU) hosted the 26th Congress for Family Businesses at Witten/Herdecke University. Presentations, workshops and networking formats were on the programme over two days. The highlight was...
Cameo Light Installation in UK Winter Trails Outdoor Spotlights Moving Heads

Walking in a Winter Wonderland – Cameo illuminates numerous winter trails in Great Britain

Great Britain is famous for its magnificent gardens and expansive parks. For a few years now, these have also been a popular visitor destination in winter. During this time, numerous winter and Christmas trails...
Cameo Light Installation at magician Maxim Maurice show with Moving Head OPU X Profile OPUS H5 and ZENIT B200 Wash Light AZOR B1 AURO SPOT Z300

Illusions in the spotlight – magician Maxim Maurice tours with Cameo

The magician Maxim Maurice is one of the best magicians in Germany and has already demonstrated his skills on TV, at festivals and on the biggest cruise ships. Like any good magician, Maxim Maurice...
Schoko Pro invests in Cameo Light spotlights like OPUS SP5 Profile Moving Head ZENIT B200 Wash Light ZENIT B60 PAR

Powerful partners for the Original Stars – schoko pro invests in Cameo OPUS and ZENIT

Schoko pro GmbH has its origins in classic event technology and has remained true to these origins for over 40 years. Thanks to the constant development of its service portfolio, schoko pro is now...
Cameo Light Installation Dnevi Arnolda Tovornika P2 Profile Fresnel ZENIT W600 Wash Light

Profiler with a profile – Cameo lights up the Arnold Tovornik Days in Slovenia

For the eighth time, the “Dnevi Arnolda Tovornika” took place in the Slovenian town of Selnica ob Dravi in March. The “Arnold Tovornik Days” at the Arnold Tovornik Centre honour the Slovenian actor (1916-1973)...
Stage Lighting Services Investment in Cameo Light ZENIT B200 Wash Light and Outdoor Spotlight FLAT PRO 12 G2

Stage Lighting Services invests in Cameo ZENIT B200 and FLAT PRO 12

Cardiff, Wales-based rental and production specialist Stage Lighting Services Ltd has been providing high quality full production and technical solutions for a wide range of shows and events for almost 40 years. To expand...
Cameo Light Installation Berlin Six Days event Radrennen Velodrom OTOS H5 ZENIT W600 Wash Lights OPUS H5 Moving Head

Highspeed in Berlin: Cameo illuminates the 110th Six Day Berlin

The Berlin Six Day Race (Six Day) is one of the biggest sporting highlights in the capital and took place for the 110th time from 27 to 29 January 2023. Due to the pandemic...
Cameo Light Installation Mooserwirt Schlagerliebe Open Air Wash Light ZENIT W600 SMD ZENIT B200 and Wash Moving Head EVOS W7

From Halloween to Après-Ski: Cameo excels in the outdoor winter season

The cold season is always also event time of a special kind. People are drawn to winter theme parks and open-air hit parties in ski resorts. In 2022/23, Cameo was also able to score...