DEFENDER Cable Protectors “Around The World” – “Tammerkosken Sillalla” Song Festival in Finland

The Finnish Song Festival “Tammerkosken Sillalla” took place in the middle of the Tampere central square shortly after the Scandinavian Midsummerfest, and lasted a full week. The wiring on-site was well protected from damage by the Defender cable crossovers, which also prevented visitors from tripping.

Adam Hall has been developing and manufacturing the DEFENDER series for more than fifteen years now. In addition to the increased need for safety, the professionalization of all industries and the economic efficiency that comes of long useful life and flexibility have also contributed to the Defender cable protector success story.

All information about the Defender Midi:


If you see a Defender cable protector, send us a photo at [email protected]. Ideally with a brief description of where you found the cable protector pictured.

If your photo is posted in the Adam Hall Blog, you will win one of the limited “Defender” t-shirts! We look forward to numerous submissions! Good luck!

All information about Defender cable protectors can be found at:

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