LD Systems MAUI 28 – Product Review by DJ Cladeque

DJ Cladeque testing the Maui28 during a set on a private party in a nice location.

Hi, I’m DJ Caldeque. I have been working for fifteen years as a DJ at various events, both in clubs as well as for private functions, weddings and birthday parties. In addition to being a DJ, I am also a musician. I produce my own tracks and release my own music as a singer, musician, and producer.

LD Systems asked if I would like to test the MAUI28 at an event. I chose a special event that was held in a location where the design and ambiance were a little more stylish than usual. Right from the start, I was delighted at the ease with which the MAUI28 blended into this location and this event.

Frequently, the party is already underway by the time I arrive at an event. Of course, that makes things difficult when the DJ shows up with his equipment and has to lug big crates through the crowd, which kind of puts a damper on the whole party. This isn’t the case with the MAUI28. It is all very easy to transport, very small, and you can really begin setting up and arranging your workplace very unobtrusively and discretely, even if the party is already underway.

Setting up the MAUI is really quite simple. The system is really absolutely intuitive and takes two minutes to plug together. It’s very quick, which is often very important in my line of work, and the wide dispersion angle makes it unnecessary to position an extra monitor cabinet or the like. With full-range cabinets, I otherwise have the problem that I am standing behind the speakers and constantly have to check how loud the music is for the crowd out front. In this case, with the MAUI, I did it like this: I turned one of the two MAUIs so that it was facing inward a little, just enough so that I could also hear it, thanks to the dispersion angle. This worked like a charm, in effect letting me use one system as both PA and monitor.

Because of my work as a DJ and musician, I have heard and seen many different PA systems down through the years. At first, I was a little sceptical about whether the MAUI would have enough bass response because of its small dimensions. The bass is crucial in modern dance music and club music. I was able to cast these doubts aside very quickly, however, once I set up the system. Soon I was very impressed by the balanced sound offered by the MAUI28.

Depending on the event, I usually also have a microphone with me, which I use for announcements and intros or whenever the host has something to say. In this case, I positioned the microphone right in front of the MAUI, and it was used directly within the dispersion angle of the MAUI. There were no problems whatsoever with feedback even at higher volumes. I was really impressed that I had no problems at all using the microphone directly front-of-house.

I have been using a digital system controller for a few years now. This makes setting up my gear very easy and quick. I can get started very quickly and require very little setup time. So it is irritating if I have to hook up cables for PAs or power amps. It takes up a lot of time, and I have to bring a lot of extra cable. With the MAUI, I was ecstatic. I put the subs on the floor and simply plug in the columns. The whole setup is assembled in just a few minutes, and I can get started right away.

On the whole, the MAUI28 really made a believer out of me. It is a system that is extremely easy to set up in a matter of minutes, and it is very easy to transport. It requires very little storage space and has a very balanced sound. The whole system is very stylish, it can also be used in elegant surroundings, and it is very reasonably priced at less than 900 Euros.

I would like to thank LD Systems for giving me the opportunity to test the MAUI28. If you want to learn more about me and my work, visit my web site at klangmedia.com or look me up at Facebook/Cladeque. Thanks for watching and goodbye!

For more info about the MAUI 28, go to:

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