Setting a sustainable course – Sustainability update Q4 23 & Q1 24
At Adam Hall Group, we see sustainability as a journey on which each intermediate step opens up a new perspective. In our latest update, we provide a brief overview of the progress made in Q4/23 and Q1/24 as well as our sustainability plans for the coming months.

Finalisation of the 2022 carbon footprint
In recent months, we have successfully finalised the carbon footprint for 2022 together with our partner SINAI Technology. The footprint helps us to better understand the critical categories already identified and to analyse developments. At the same time, we are working on initial ideas that will help us to reduce our environmental impact in these areas in the medium to long term and thus effectively reduce our CO2 emissions, particularly in Scope 3.
Progress in our 2023 carbon footprint
The balancing of our CO2 emissions for 2023 is already in full swing. We continue to pay particular attention to improving data quality in Scope 3 categories 1, 4 and 9, which relate to indirect emissions from our procurement and transport activities.
EMAS: A milestone for our environmental management
The EMAS validation we are striving for is a core component of our future environmental management system. This process not only helps us to record our environmental impact and formulate our short, medium and long-term environmental goals, but also promotes a culture of continuous improvement within our company. The necessary measures for validation are in full swing and illustrate our endeavours to think beyond legal requirements and systematically implement sustainability within the company.

Sustainability reporting in accordance with DNK (German Sustainabiliy Code)
We started working with WeShyft last year to prepare for sustainability reporting, which will be mandatory for us from 2026. We are currently finalising a voluntary sustainability report in accordance with the German Sustainability Code (DNK) for 2023. In this report, we disclose the economic, ecological and social aspects of our corporate behaviour in accordance with the DNK standard.
Celebrating diversity: preparing for German Diversity Day 2024
For the upcoming Diversity Day on 28 May 2024, we are planning a series of internal formats to highlight the importance of diversity and inclusion in our company. Our aim with these activities is to underline our appreciation for the diversity of our global team, to facilitate dialogue on topics relating to the term “diversity” and to gather insights and suggestions that will help us to further shape our corporate culture in terms of diversity.

Spring awakening of our company bees
Our bees woke up from hibernation a few weeks ago and are starting the new season. As a small but important measure to protect biodiversity, our bees not only support the local flora, but are also a living symbol of our sustainability efforts.
Relaunch of the sustainability website
In recent months, we have been working intensively on revising our sustainability website in order to provide interested parties with even more information on this extensive subject area. The site now provides detailed information about climate protection at the German site, our environmental initiatives, our strategic approach and our commitment to employees and society.

Outlook & next steps
In the coming weeks and months, we will continue to focus on the following topics and projects related to sustainability:
- EMAS validation & subsequent implementation of the environmental management system
- Finalisation of our 2023 carbon footprint
- Completion of our 2023 sustainability report according to DNK
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