Press: WE ARE LIVE – Adam Hall Group welcomes 100 guests to industry restart event at the firm’s Experience Centre

Neu-Anspach, Germany – 06 July 2021 – The #WeBelieveInLive campaign becomes the “We Are Live” event! On 30 June 2021, the Adam Hall Group marked its live relaunch, and with it an emotional end to a seemingly never-ending standstill for the entire event industry. Representatives from around the live entertainment industry paid tribute to a special evening that showed how the challenges ahead are being tackled with renewed vigour.
Joint exchange about the future of the event industry
Since spring 2020, the Adam Hall Group has been searching for ways out of the crisis with unwavering confidence, while also seeking dialogue with politicians, its own community and business partners in order to proactively advocate for the closed industry. At the “We Are Live” event, this dialogue was finally transferred from virtual distance to physical proximity again. Together with 100 invited guests from German-speaking countries and further abroad, the event technology manufacturer sent a clear signal at its Experience Centre in Neu-Anspach: we are here, and we are here more than ever! In compliance with the current hygiene and distancing regulations, the event not only celebrated the restart, but also explored the question of where the event industry of tomorrow is heading and what hurdles need to be overcome in a top-class talk.

“The future is now! We’ve had a year-and-a-half break and want to get going again – let’s get ready!”

#webelieveinlive panel: individual experiences for collective challenges
“It’s going to be stressful, but awesome!” – satisy&fy CEO Nico Ubenauf gave probably the most appropriate description of the outlook for the industry. Alexander Pietschmann, CEO of the Adam Hall Group, Carsten Heling, press spokesman for the LANXESS Arena in Cologne, and moderator Felix Uhlig took part in the #webelieveinlive panel talk alongside Timo Feuerbach, managing director of the E.V.V.C. & representative of the Forum Veranstaltungswirtschaft, Julian Reininger – organiser of BonnLive – and the guests in the Experience Centre’s auditorium for almost an hour. They came to a unanimous conclusion: the industry’s mood of optimism is unbroken, but the upcoming challenges must be dealt with responsibly. In the political arena, the industry is advocating now not only the extension of economic aid, but above all the extension of the cultural default fund to B2B events, along with uniform federal guidelines. When it comes to the cultural relaunch, the problems of event congestion and staff shortages are already becoming apparent – these are perhaps inevitable after more than a year of event cancellations and the events sector being shut down. The conclusion of the discussion partners on stage and in the audience was clear: the shortage of resources must now be identified as an opportunity to structure future working conditions in a more appropriate way. Future calculations will also need to be adjusted, and companies will need to act to position themselves more sustainably.

“I hope that, beyond the crisis, we have all moved closer together. From venues to organisers, from artists to technical service providers and manufacturers. The restart will only be successful if we work together.”
The industry looks forward to optimistic times with new impetus
A sense of euphoria was felt consistently throughout the evening. As soon as the guests arrived, it was noticeable in countless faces: the anticipation of finally getting together again, meeting old and new colleagues, business partners and friends from the industry on-site, and exchanging ideas. “In 2020, we started out like an ICE train at 300 kph… then the emergency brake was pulled without any warning!” Adam Hall COO Markus Jahnel recalled in his speech the beginnings of the worldwide Corona pandemic. With the “We Are Live” event, the Adam Hall Group is now picking up speed again. Following the talk, the event technology manufacturer showed that it had been anything but idle during the long phases of the lockdown. In an impressive light show, the new Cameo OPUS Series spotlights, among others, were able to show how creativity can be used to create the magical moments that we have all missed so much.

Gentleman’s first appearance in a year-and-a-half as a symbol of an entire industry
The crowning highlight of the evening, however, followed: an exclusive performance by global reggae star Gentleman and his band to kick off his 2021 festival tour, which reminded all the guests once again of what has been missing over the past 18 months: music, people and emotions. On this evening, the event industry showed that it is not afraid of change and is looking forward to the restart with great anticipation: WE ARE LIVE!

“Without entertainment and culture, humanity ceases to be what it is. There will always be room for them.”
#Webelieveinlive #ProAudio #ProLighting #EventTech #ExperienceEventTech
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