Support DQOR and QUESTRA to win The AVard!
We have exciting news! Our two LD Systems products DQOR and QUESTRA have been nominated for The AVard Product Award, and we need your support to bring home the win! With just two simple clicks you can cast your vote and help us win this special award.

Every one of you can take part and support us without the need to register or signing up. Here are the steps on how you can easily vote for our two nominees:
FOR LD Systems DQOR in the Entertainment & Infotainment product category:
Click on the following link: Products – Entertainment & Infotainment 2023 – The AVard (, then click on HIER VOTEN!
FOR LD Systems QUESTRA in the product category Retail, Hospitality & Hotel Business:
Click on the following link: Products – Retail, Hospitality and Hotel Business 2023 – The AVard (, then click on HIER VOTEN!
That’s it! You have successfully voted for our products and brought us a big step closer to The AVard Product Award prize.
Here in the video you can see the steps again:
The steps to vote for QUESTRA are the same
Every vote counts and your support is greatly appreciated – feel free to share the links with your friends and family!
The LD Systems team thanks you for your participation and support!
#LDSystems #TogetherWeRock #YourSoundOurMission
Further information: