60 Trips Around the World – Tilo Pietschmann Celebrates 30 Years of Adam Hall
As a global event technology company, the Adam Hall Group currently employs a sales team of 50 representatives, who all specialize in different fields of focus and areas of expertise. The first field sales employee was and still is a salesman extraordinaire: Tilo Pietschmann, father of Adam Hall CEO Alexander Pietschmann. On the company’s 30th anniversary, we sat down and talked with Tilo about his momentous adventures on the road:

Tilo, you’ve worked in field sales for 30 years now. How much time did you actually spend traveling during this time?
When I add it all up, I’ve traveled around the world about 60 times.
Tilo Pietschmann
Before working here, you were a professional musician for a long time. How were things for you when you switched over to field sales?
Tilo Pietschmann: I have to confess, I was initially a little skeptical, as I still had this dated idea in my head of a door-to-door salesman pitching vacuums. Right from the very get-go, however, I was able to build honest and friendly relationships with my customers and I’ve maintained them ever since.
Looking back, I can say: I’ve only had two jobs in my life – and both have made my dreams come true.
How has a sales representative’s job and the entire industry changed during the last 30 years?
Tilo Pietschmann: Having direct customer relationships is still the same. After 30 years, you just know each other … but of course new clientele has been added over the years, making it necessary to get acquainted with each other, learn something new, and work with new technologies.
What I’m most proud of here and what still impresses me is the development of Adam Hall in the last few years. It has grown from a manufacturer of hardware and flight cases into a modern event technology company. I hope that I can still keep playing an active role for some time to come.
Markus Jahnel, COO Adam Hall Group: “When it comes to Adam Hall, a lot of people think of the person who named it, David Kirby, or, for some years now, Alexander Pietschmann. Many of our long-standing customers in Germany, however, know Tilo as ‘Mr. Adam Hall.’ Few others have experienced the evolution of the event technology industry to the same extent as he has in the past three decades and are still involved in it today. We are extremely happy that Tilo continues to assist us with his experience, professionalism, and warmhearted nature. We’d love to send him around the world once again … ”
#EventTech #ExperienceEventtech
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